詹舜名 Shun-Ming Chan

The role of Anesthesiologist in airway response team
Patients may require emergent intubation for respiratory failure or cardiopulmonary arrest. Intubation is necessary when there is a concern for altered mental status due to neurologic, metabolic, infectious, toxic nature, or other etiologies. Emergency airway management outside the operating room is particularly challenging, with the incidence of difficult intubation ranging from 9% to 12%. It is crucial to promote interdepartmental and interdisciplinary communication and teamwork. Anesthesia training teaches physicians various intubation techniques and prepares them for a myriad of airway situations. An anesthesiologist is a doctor who gives a patient medication so they do not feel pain when they are undergoing surgery. However, these specialist physicians play a much wider role than just putting people to sleep for surgery. The anesthesiologist also plays a key role in critical care and treatment and trauma. They assess patients, make diagnoses, provide support for breathing and circulation, and help to ensure that infection is prevented.
Anesthesiologists are also qualified to contribute to emergency medicine, providing airway and cardiac resuscitation and support and advanced life support, as well as pain control. They help stabilize patients and improve multidisciplinary difficult airway management. Team-based interventions have been shown to improve the quality and safety of patient care.